Welcome to the Curated Top List website!

I created this blogging site out of frustration. I was interested in learning more about a wide variety of topics.

While the Internet was a rich source of information, the volume of information on these topics was staggering, and most information was sketchy, repetitive and time-consuming to filter.

I decided to build a “no-frills” site that carefully curates, analyzes and synthesizes information from multiple, different sources. The site then presents the information back in a readily consumable, simple-to-digest form that would take readers 15-20 minutes (ideally) to review and take action.

Why Curated?

If you search for a particular topic on Google or your favorite search site, you will usually get back multiple million sites. Often the ones at the top are not really good: they have figured out how to manipulate the search engine optimization (SEO) algorithm to show up near the top.

I spent a fair amount of time wading through sites to find ones that worked for me: these sites provided the information I needed in an easily accessible format.

This information is now yours to use as well. Your personal mileage may vary, but I hope you find it useful!

